Research Publications


Collective Voices

Edited by Helena Britt, Sally Wade and Kerry Walton

December 2013 – ISBN number: 978 1 907382 64 2


The selected research papers comprising this publication were presented at Sheffield Hallam University, 10-11 January 2013.


Foreword by Helena Britt, Sally Wade and Kerry Walton


Keynote: The Art of Trends – Claudia Lieshout


Keynote: The 7th Sense Minding the Gap – Ben Mears


Keynote: How can ‘making’ transcend disciplines to offer value and insight into subjects related to the body? – Rhian Solomon and Juliana Sissions


Keynote: Making Space – the past, present and future of the Creative Environment – Professor Martin Wooley

Research Papers

The Human-Mould-Fashion Relationship: Fungi Applications for future design scenarios in fashion and textiles fabrication 
Ninela Ivanova


Collaborative designers: the value of nurturing truly collective voices 
Lindy Richardson


Intervention and synthesis: new partnerships between textiles and photography in the visual arts 
Marlene Little

Prototyping 3D ‘smart’ textile surfaces for pervasive computing environments 
Dr Lynsey Calder, Prof Ruth Aylett,
Dr Sandy Louchart
Dr Sara Robertson


The oneiric reality of electronic scents
Dr Jenny Tillotson
Marc Rolland
Kim Lahiri


Managing creative conversations between designers and consumers 
Dr Britta Kalkreuter
David Robb
Prof Mike Chantler
Dr Stefano Padilla

Surpassing tradition: investigating design innovation possibilities for harris tweed 
Elaine Bremner


Raiding the past, designing for the future 
Dr Kevin Almond


Awaken: contemporary fashion & textile interpretation of archival material 
Dr Helena Britt
Jimmy Stephen-Cran
Elaine Bremner

The good life – designing for sustainable luxury
Anne Marr


From counterfeit to counter
Angela Armstrong
Ann Muirhead


Rethinking the designer’s role: the challenge of unfinished knitwear design 
Amy Twigger Holroyd