Learning and Teaching

The FTC supports fashion and textiles education through its connections and activities, which includes a range of Professional Development events for educators that focus on contemporary issues affecting the sector.

With education and student success at its core, the FTC celebrates student achievement through annual competition sponsorship, currently, as part of the Bradford Textile Society annual awards.

If you would like to work with the FTC to support fashion and textiles practice, learning and teaching please contact:

Graduate portfolios, online showcasing and engaging industry, 12th February 2021 
Emma Davidson, Owner and Manager of Denza Recruitment delivered the third FTC Breakfast Learning and Teaching events.
Denza is an international recruitment company that specialises in placing exceptional candidates in roles at every level of the fashion industry, and Emma has a truly global vision for fashion education having visited and given workshops to fashion courses in countries including Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong 
 Emma’s talk provided insights and feedback on her current work with Industry, with a particular focus on the impact of C19 on Graduate portfolios, online showcasing and Engaging industry in Graduate work .
With over 50 participants on the call, it was a really insightful event. Many thanks Emma.

‘You are on mute’ presentation by Anne Marr

Digital Materiality and Online Community Building In Textile Education.

Colleagues from FTC member institutions were invited to bring a coffee and a croissant to the first FTC Learning and Teaching Breakfast Event on 30th October 2020.

Anne Marr, Programme Director for Jewellery, Textiles and Materials at Central Saint Martins, UAL , via Zoom,  reflected on her learning and teaching during lockdown and presented a number of case studies exploring inclusive digital access, authentic online community building and sustainable material cooking classes.

After some extraordinary months where craft and design based HE courses have had to rapidly adapt their delivery mode from studio environment to a little-known online space. It was an opportunity as a group. to reflect on how we have emerged from crisis management into a more deliberate digital praxis .