Dear Members
Thank you to those of you who were able to attend the members meeting on 29th January and we will plan another meeting (tentatively at this stage) on 2nd July as this will coincide with New Designers Part 1.
As a reminder to use the website when you can and please bookmark it https://ftc-online.org.uk It is our intention to communicate as much as we can through the website in the future to reduce email traffic for us all.
Learning and Teaching events
The FTC are delighted to announce that Emma Davidson, Owner and Manager of Denza Recruitment will be delivering the 3rd of the FTC’s Breakfast Learning and Teaching events.
The event will take place on Fri 12th Feb 9am – 10am and is open to all Member Institutions.
Denza is an international recruitment company that specialises in placing exceptional candidates in roles at every level of the fashion industry, and Emma has a truly global vision for fashion education having visited and given workshops to fashion courses in countries including Mexico, United Kingdom, France, Belgium, Netherlands, Sri Lanka and Hong Kong
Emma’s talk will provide insights and feedback on her current work with Industry, with a particular focus on the impact of C19 on Graduate portfolios, online showcasing and Engaging industry in Graduate work
Please share amongst your Teams
Meeting details –
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 912 9537 4823
Passcode: 715536
One tap mobile
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+1 646 876 9923 US (New York)
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+1 346 248 7799 US (Houston)
+1 408 638 0968 US (San Jose)
Meeting ID: 912 9537 4823
Passcode: 715536
Find your local number: https://gsa-ac-uk.zoom.us/u/acmqn6g6kE
As noted the conference at The University of Leeds Futurescan 5: Conscious Communities will now run on 7/8 September 2022 call for papers will be sent after Easter 21. For those who are interested in joining a conference sub-committee can you please reply to secretary@ftc-online.org.uk informing her of your interest by 26 Feb 21 and we will hold an initial meeting on 12 March between 11-12am.
Post-Graduate Research Event
We are aiming to run this on 30th April 21 and it will be held as an online event hosted by GSA and supported by members of the steering group. A call for abstracts will be sent asap and we would like members to share this with their post-graduate PhD students and supervisors.
Updates on Covid Planning
Thank you to those who have shared their institutions plans via the google docs and/or at the meeting last week – if you have not filled it in there is still time to do this and we ask if you can complete this by 12 February 21. We intend to anonymise the information prior to sharing with the membership. This is intended to be a supportive document to show the collegiate approach that fashion and textile courses in the UK share. The document can be found here.
Please send anything that you wish to be shared with members to secretary@ftc-online.org.uk
We would really like to encourage you to use our twitter account @FTCorg and anything you share with us will automatically feed into our website updates section so is useful for members looking at the website.
With best wishes
Amanda and Carolyn
Co-chairs of FTC